The Prince Question Preview (ID: 30703)

Vocab. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

an opposite or different fact
a) deviation
b) interagating
c) contrary
d) interment

a city in italy
a) florentine
b) piza
c) auburn
d) germany

changing often
a) simulator
b) fickle
c) lacking
d) censured

people who pretend
a) simulators
b) actors
c) cosplayists
d) people

give back
a) wrong
b) steal
c) restored
d) taken

extremly bad reputation
a) licence
b) prudence
c) hero
d) infamy

careful good judgment
a) fortune
b) eluded
c) prudence
d) missionary

very bad or unpleasant
a) gift
b) abstains
c) insufferable
d) sustained

not having any or enough of something
a) wretched
b) lacking
c) sumulators
d) none

very bad or unpleasant
a) wretched
b) wrong
c) correct
d) sustained

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