Mesoamerica Question Preview (ID: 30660)
Mesoamerican Civilizations.
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Which mesoamerican civilization was founded in central Mexico?
a) Aztec
b) Maya
c) Inca
d) Olmec
What mesoamerican civilization was founded on the Yucatan peninsula?
a) Maya
b) Aztec
c) Inca
d) Olmec
What Mesoamerican civilization was founded in South America?
a) Inca
b) Aztec
c) Olmec
d) Maya
What mesoamerican civilization developed their own advanced writing system?
a) Maya
b) Aztec
c) Inca
d) Spanish
The Conquistadors were from which country?
a) Spain
b) France
c) Italy
d) America
What civilization was conquered by Hernan Cortes?
a) Aztec
b) Maya
c) Inca
d) Olmec
What civilization was conquered by Francisco Pizarro?
a) Inca
b) Aztec
c) Maya
d) Olmec
Which of the following were the conquistadors NOT seeking when they took over Mesomaerica?
a) gold
b) land
c) converts to Christianity
d) oil
What civilization started where Mexico City stands today?
a) Aztec
b) Inca
c) Maya
d) Olmec
Which civilization built Machu Picchu?
a) Inca
b) Aztec
c) Olmec
d) Maya
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