Cell Organelle Game Question Preview (ID: 30591)
Students Identify Functions Of Organelles.
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Protective outer covering that regulates the interaction between the inside of the cell and the outside environment.
a) cell wall
b) cell membrane
c) cell barrier
d) cytoplasm
contains the cell’s DNA and is the control center of the cell.
a) cytoplasm
b) chloroplast
c) nucleus
d) mitochondria
Breaks down food molecules to make energy
a) chloroplast
b) mitochondria
c) lysosome
d) ribosome
Makes food using the energy of sunlight
a) chloroplast
b) mitochondria
c) golgi body
d) nucleus
Provides strength and support to the cell membrane, in plant cells, it is made of cellulose
a) cell membrane
b) cell wall
c) cell skeleton
d) vacuole
Jelly-like fluid that supports cell organelles and is the location of most of a cell’s life processes.
a) vacuole
b) endoplasmic recticulum
c) cytoskeleton
d) cytoplasm
The green pigment that traps sunlight during photosynthesis.
a) melanin
b) chloroplast
c) chlorophyll
d) plasma
Which of the following will NOT be found in an animal cell?
a) mitochondria
b) cell wall
c) nucleus
d) cell membrane
The difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is the presence of
a) genetic materia
b) cytoplasm
c) a cell membrane
d) a nucleus
True or False: All prokaryotic organisms are unicellular.
a) True
b) False
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