U6 W4 Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 30584)
Reading Wonders Unit 6 Week 3 Vocabulary Review.
TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.
a) has to do with the world
b) person who starts a business
c) goods that are for sale
d) money used in a country
a) money used in a country
b) science that studies the way people use resources and produce goods and services
c) has to do with the world
d) the act of carrying out business exchange
a) has to do with the world
b) a person who starts and runs a business
c) money to buy something that will make more money
d) goods that are for sale
a) money used in a country
b) a person who starts and runs a business
c) place where food and other products are bought and sold
d) has to do with the world
a) to use money to buy something that will make more money
b) the act of carrying out a business exchange
c) goods that are for sale
d) a person who starts and runs a business
a) has to do with the world
b) act of carrying out a business exchange
c) place where food and other products are bought and sold
d) science that studies the way people use resources to produce goods and services
a) act of carrying out business exchange
b) goods that are for sale
c) has to do with the world
d) money used in a country
a) to use money to buy something that will make more money
b) goods that are for sale
c) has to do with the world
d) act of carrying out business exchange
If I started a business and ran it, what would I be?
a) global
b) a marketplace
c) entrepreneur
d) economy
If I go to another country, what will I need to be able to buy things?
a) a marketplace
b) US dollars
c) a taxi cab to get me there
d) local currency
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