Radioactive Dating Question Preview (ID: 3)

Details The Usefulness Of Radioactive Elements, Half-life Controls And Different Types Of Radioactive Materials. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why are radioactive substances useful for measuring geologic time?
a) The disintegration of radioactive substances occurs at a predictable rate.
b) The ratio of decay products to undecayed products remains constant in sedimentary rocks.
c) The half-lives of most radioactive substances are shorter than five minutes.
d) Measurable samples of radioactive substances are easily collected from most rock specimens.

If a radioactive material were cut into pieces, the half-life of each piece would be
a) the same as the original specimen's half-life
b) greater than the original specimen's half-life
c) less than the original specimen's half-life
d) none of the above

If an object is cut in eight equal pieces, what happens to its half life?
a) the same
b) 8 times longer
c) 1/64 as long
d) 1/8 as long

Why are radioactive materials useful for measuring geologic time?
a) The disintegration of radioactive materials occurs at a predictable rate.
b) The half-lives of most radioactive materials are less than five minutes.
c) The ratio of decay products to undecayed material remains constant in sedimentary rocks.
d) Measurable samples of radioactive materials are easily collected from most rock types.

Compared to the length of time for the first half-life of a sample of a radioactive isotope, the length of time for the second half-life is
a) the same
b) greater
c) less
d) none of the above

One similarity between uranium-238 and carbon-14 is that both
a) decay at a predictable rate
b) have the same half-life
c) are normally found in large quantities in living matter
d) are found in granite

The half-life of a radioactive substance is mainly controlled by the
a) composition of the substance
b) amount of the substance
c) pressure acting on the substance
d) temperature of the substance

Which radioactive isotope is most useful for determining the age of mastodont bones
a) carbon-14
b) uranium-238
c) potassium-40
d) rubidium-87

Which radioactive isotope disintegrates to lead (Pb206)?
a) U238
b) Rb87
c) K40
d) C14

Which two elements are most useful for the radioactive dating of recent organic remains?
a) C14 and N14
b) K40 and Ca40
c) U238 and Pb206
d) Rb87 and Sr87

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