Unit 5 - Transforming And Applying Functions Question Preview (ID: 29938)

Vocabulary Practice For Types Of Functions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When graphed, I am V-shaped
a) Exponential Function
b) Absolute Value Function
c) Quadratic Function
d) Linear Function

When graphed, I am u-shaped. I'm also called a parabola.
a) Exponential Function
b) Absolute Value Function
c) Quadratic Function
d) Linear Function

A function that has different rules for different parts of the domain
a) Piecewise Function
b) Quadratic Function
c) Trigonometric Function
d) Square Root Function

Moving a function up, down, or side to side.
a) Vertex
b) Rotation
c) Reflection
d) Translation

This describes an increasing function
a) parabola
b) constant
c) decay
d) growth

This describes a decreasing function
a) decay
b) growth
c) average rate of change
d) piecewise function

A transformation in which the figure is a mirror image of another figure.
a) Rotation
b) Reflection
c) function
d) domain

The point where the parabola crosses its axis of symmetry. Its also known as either a maximum or a minimum.
a) vertex
b) x-axis
c) y-axis
d) origin

The x-values of the points where the parabola crosses the x-axis
a) vertex
b) slope
c) y-intercept
d) roots

A function that graphs to a straight line.
a) Quadratic Function
b) Absolute Value Function
c) Linear Function
d) Square Root Function

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