Physical Science 1 Question Preview (ID: 29754)
Cumulative Review.
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_______ cannot be broken down into simpler substances.
a) elements
b) compounds
c) mixtures
d) acids
The only difference between the Bohr model and modern model is the arrangement of____
a) electrons
b) protons
c) neutrons
d) plasmids
Group 1 on the periodic table is the most reactive metals called...
a) Alkali Metals
b) Alkaline Earth
c) Halogens
d) Noble Gases
Comubstion is a ________ property.
a) Chemical
b) Physical
c) none
d) silly
Fossil fuels and batteries contain stored ______ energy.
a) chemical
b) electrical
c) radiant
d) nuclear
The transfer of heat due to direct contact, such as touching a hot pan, is ________.
a) conduction
b) convection
c) radiation
d) rarefaction
In a sound wave, the part that is close together is called the ______ and the part that is spread apart is called the ______.
a) compression, rarefaction
b) rarefaction, compression
c) crest, trough
d) trough, crest
The bending of light waves as they pass from one substance to another is called...
a) refraction
b) reflection
c) diffraction
d) absorbtion
The more mass an object has the more ______ needed to move the object.
a) force
b) inertia
c) matter
d) cats
Christmas lights are an example of a _____ circuit. This is because when one bulb goes out, they all go out.
a) series
b) parallel
c) north
d) south
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