Force Question Preview (ID: 29364)
My First Test.
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What is inertia?
a) tendancy of an object to resist a change in motion
b) a force of nature
c) a force that opposes motion
d) the speed of an object
The slope of a distance - time graph is -
a) the momentum of the object
b) the position of the object
c) the speed of the object
d) the acceleration of of the object
The force of gravity on an object is known as -
a) speed
b) weight
c) acceleration
d) momentum
The sum of the forces is known as -
a) net force
b) friction
c) weight
d) mass
The force that opposes motion is known as -
a) weight
b) inertia
c) mass
d) friction
To find the weight of an object if you know mass you should -
a) divide the mass by 9.8
b) multiply the mass by 9.8
c) add 9.8 to the mass
d) subtract 9.8 from the mass
Which quantity would be the same on Earth as it would be on the International Space Station?
a) mass
b) weight
c) mass and weight
d) neither mass or weight
Which of Newton's Laws says the harder you push the faster an object will go?
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) none
Which of Newton's Laws says if you push on a wall the wall pushes on you?
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) none
Which is heavier, a pound of feather or a pound of lead?
a) feathers
b) lead
c) they are both the same
d) no way to tell
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