5th-6th Grade Science Chapter 6 Review: Plant Classification Question Preview (ID: 29352)

Plant Classification Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

True or False: Trees can grow wider because the cambium cells produce more xylem and phloem.
a) True
b) False
c) Fish
d) Sticks

True or False: Monocots usually have a long taproot.
a) True
b) False
c) Fish
d) Sticks

True or False: An annual grows, flowers, and produces seeds in one growing season.
a) True
b) False
c) Fish
d) Sticks

True or False: Herbaceous plants have soft, green stems.
a) True
b) False
c) Fish
d) Sticks

True or False: Fibrous roots grow straight down into the soil.
a) True
b) False
c) Fish
d) Sticks

True or False: Xylem tubes carry sugars and food throughout the plant.
a) True
b) False
c) Fish
d) Sticks

True or False: Gymnosperms include cycads, ginkgoes, gnetophytes, and conifers.
a) True
b) False
c) Fish
d) Sticks

flowers have petals in groups of three
a) dicot
b) fronds
c) tuber
d) monocot

sticky substance that protects a pine tree from diseases and insects when a branch is broken
a) cotyledon
b) tuber
c) frongs
d) resin

food storage stem of some plants
a) tuber
b) fiddlehead
c) fronds
d) resin

the leafy branches of a ferm
a) cotyledon
b) tuber
c) fronds
d) fiddlehead

the tiny seed leaves of the embryo
a) fiddlehead
b) monocot
c) cotyledon
d) dicot

leaves have branching veins
a) dicot
b) monocot
c) resin
d) tuber

tightly coiled developing frond
a) fronds
b) resin
c) fiddlehead
d) cotyledon

The first root that emerges from a seed is called a(n) _____________.
a) fibrous root
b) primary root
c) taproot
d) aerial root

When plants are classified by how they transport water, scientists group them as ____________.
a) angiosperm and gymnosperms
b) seedless and seed-bearing
c) monocots or dicots
d) vascular or nonvascular

Angiosperms are usually classified by their seed structure as either
a) vascular or nonvascular
b) annual or biennial
c) monocots or dicots
d) conifers or cycads

Which plant is not a vascular plant?
a) ginkgo
b) liverwort
c) horsetail
d) club moss

____________ plants can live for three or more years.
a) Centennial
b) Perennial
c) Biennial
d) Annual

Mosses have small, rootlike structures called ______________.
a) rhizoids
b) rhizomes
c) tubers
d) hyphae

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