7th-8th Ch. 8 Review 2 Question Preview (ID: 29349)

Chapter 2 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

True or False: All the planets have been visited by at least one space probe.
a) True
b) False
c) Bolonga
d) Sandwich

Studies during the International Geophysical Year included data obtained by satellites.
a) True
b) False
c) Bologna
d) Sandwich

True or False: The first space station was placed in oribt by the USSR.
a) True
b) False
c) Bologna
d) Sandwich

True or False: The Hubble Space Telescope is a probe.
a) True
b) False
c) Bologona
d) Sandwich

Unlike the Saturn V rocket, the space shuttle orbiters are reusable.
a) True
b) False
c) Bologna
d) Sandwich

True or False: The command module of the Apollo spacecraft landed on the moon.
a) True
b) False
c) Bologna
d) Sandwich

True or False: Microgravity in orbit occurs because the spacecraft is so far away from the earth.
a) True
b) False
c) Bologna
d) Sandwich

People in which country were believed to have built the first rockets?
a) Germany
b) United States
c) Russia
d) China

Which of the following does not belong with the others?
a) the Hubble Space Telescope
b) an ocean floor mapping satellite
c) a GPS satellite
d) climate research satellite

Which of the following does not belong with the other three?
a) Soyuz
b) Shenzhou 5
c) Atlantis
d) SpaceShipOne

Which part of the entire Apollo/Ssaturn V moon vehicle was the last to be jettisoned during the mission?
a) lunar module
b) command module
c) third state rocket
d) service module

Which rocket guidance system is the most inaccurate?
a) fins only
b) fins that impart spin
c) a long wooden launching stick
d) the gyroscope

As a satellite comes nearer to the earth, to remain in orbit it must
a) spin faster.
b) increase its speed.
c) decrease its speed.
d) spin slower.

What kind of orbit would be most practical for a space telescope that does not orbit the earth but remains close to it?
a) low-Earth orbit
b) sun-synchronous orbit
c) polar orbit
d) earth-trailing orbit

Which of the following was the first successful space station?
a) Skylab
b) International Space Station
c) Salyut
d) Mir

How were Robert Goddard's rockets similar to earlier designs?
a) performance
b) type of fuel
c) gyroscopic guidance system
d) use of fins

Which of the following does not belong with the other three?
a) Galileo
b) Cassini-Huygens
c) Black Brandt
d) Mars Global Surveyor

The series of U.S. manned space capsules that first began testing the procedures needed to eventually put a man on the moon was the
a) Apollo series.
b) Mercury series.
c) Gemini series.
d) Voskhod series.

The GPS is based on a constellation of satellites used for
a) military defense.
b) ocean surveillance.
c) communication.
d) navigation.

Who was the first female space shuttle astronaut who role on Challenger?
a) Sally Ride
b) Eileen Collins
c) Sandra Brown
d) Florence Johnson

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