Ch. 12 Test Review The Atmosphere Question Preview (ID: 29332)
Atmosphere Test Review Part 1.
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The bottom layer of the atmosphere, where almost all weather occurs is the ____.
a) stratosphere
b) troposphere
c) mesosphere
d) thermosphere
What gas is most abundant in the atmosphere?
a) oxygen
b) hydrogen
c) nitorgen
d) carbon dioxide
The ____ is the coldest layer of the atmosphere.
a) troposphere
b) thermosphere
c) stratosphere
d) mesosphere
Ozone is a molecule that is made of ____ oxygen atoms.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
The ozone layer is located in the
a) stratosphere
b) mesosphere
c) exosphere
d) ionosphere
Most heating of the troposphere is done by
a) conduciton
b) convection
c) radiation
d) ultraviolet radiation
The atmosphere is divided into layers based on
a) pressure changes
b) altitude
c) temperature changes
d) oxygen levels present
The uppermost layer of the atmosphere is the
a) stratosphere
b) troposphere
c) mesosphere
d) thermosphere
_____ is the height of an object above the Earth's surface.
a) altitude
b) distance
c) pressure
d) air pressure
_____ is the instrument used to measure air pressure.
a) thermometer
b) anemometere
c) psychrometer
d) barometer
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