Week 23 Vocabulary Review Game (2016) Question Preview (ID: 29328)
Vocabulary Rreview.
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When armed forces enter another country what did they do?
a) Invade
b) Loot
c) Trespass
d) Invent
A person who moves out of the country because of war is called a _____.
a) Tourist
b) Vistor
c) Refugee
d) Fugitive
Who was the dictator of Iraq who caused destruction and death?
a) Osama bin Laden
b) Saddam Hussein
c) Adolf Hitler
d) George W. Bush
What was the name of the war caused by Iraq trying to take over Kuwait's oil?
a) Persian Gulf War
b) War on Terror
c) Persian Gulf War II
d) World War II
What is the name of the Islamic terrorist cell headed by bin Laden?
a) Nazi
b) Tallaban
c) Muslims
d) Al Queda
What is the name of the man responsible for organizing the attacks on the US known as 9/11?
a) Saddam Hussien
b) Osama bin Laden
c) Adolf Hitler
d) George W. Bush
What is to discuss an issue in order to come to an agreement?
a) Sabotage
b) Negotiate
c) Prosperous
d) Treason
A deliberate act of destruction is called ______.
a) Sabotage
b) Negotiate
c) Prosperous
d) Treason
What is having a lot of success?
a) Treason
b) Prosperous
c) Sabatage
d) Negotiate
What is the crime of betraying ones country?
a) Treason
b) Prosperous
c) Negotiate
d) Sabotage
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To play games using the questions from above, visit ReviewGameZone.com and enter game ID number: 29328 in the upper right hand corner or click here.
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