The Odyssey, The Ending Question Preview (ID: 29313)
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Who dies first in the Battle
a) Antinous
b) Telemachus
c) Eumaneus
What does Odysseus do that holds the men off while telemachus gets the weapons?
a) He shoots the bow and arrow
b) He asks Antinous to help him string the bow
c) He pretends to be drunk
What is the first thing the suitors try to do to calm Odysseus?
a) Blame Antinous
b) Blame Zeus
c) Blame Polyphemus
How many men fight the suitors?
a) 4
b) 40
c) 2
How many suitors survive the battle?
a) 0
b) 4
c) 2
Which god helps the men fight the suitors?
a) Zeus
b) Athena
c) Apollo
Why isn't Penelope inviting Odysseus to her bed?
a) he looks different, and he's been gone for 20 years. She doesn't know for sure if it is Odysseus
b) She has someone in the bed already
c) She is too sleepy
Why can't the bed be moved?
a) It is cemented to the floor
b) It is too heavy
c) a tree is part of the bed and can't be moved
Important information that we realize at the end of the story
a) Odysseus is reunited with his father
b) Odysseus is reunited with his mother
c) Odysseus returns to the sea
Important information that we realize at the end of the story
a) Athena commands that there is peace between Odysseus and the families of the slain suitors
b) Odysseus reincarnates Argus
c) Odysseus returns to the sea
Important information that we learn in the end
a) Odysseus gets his family and kingdom back
b) Odysseus returns to the sea
c) Athena reincarnates Argus
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