Chapter 12-Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 29312)
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A hydraulic system is used to ________________.
a) increase force
b) decrease pressure
c) increase pressure
d) increase distance
0.5 m of water in a large fish tank exerts _____________ 0.5m of water in a swimming pool.
a) more pressure on the bottom than
b) less pressure on the bottom than
c) the same pressure on the bottom as
d) can't determine
The force you have to overcome to start an object moving is ______________.
a) rolling friction
b) static friction
c) sliding friction
d) air resistance
50 mL of soda in a soda can exerts __________ 50mL of soda in a 1L bottle
a) more pressure than
b) less pressure than
c) the same pressure on the bottom as
d) can't tell
If an object sinks in a fluid, the buoyant force is __________ .
a) increases
b) decreases
c) remains the same
d) depends on the shape
In a hydraulic system, the pressure on the large piston is _______________ the pressure on the small piston.
a) greater than
b) less than
c) the same as
d) not related to
With action-reaction forces, ______________.
a) the action force is created first
b) the reaction force is created first
c) the forces are created at the same time
d) both forces already existed
The realtionship among force, mass, and acceleration is stated in ______________.
a) the law of the conservation of momentum
b) Newton's first law of motion
c) Newton's second law of motion
d) Newton's third law of motion
As an object sinks in a fluid, the buoyant force is ______________ the weight of the object.
a) greater than
b) less than
c) the same as
d) doesn't apply
Air resistance __________________ as you move faster.
a) increases
b) decrease
c) remains the same
d) depends on the shape
As the speed of a fluid increases, ________________.
a) the pressure decreases
b) the pressure increases
c) the force decreases
d) the volume decreaes
Whenever a body is in motion, there is always _____________ to oppose the motion.
a) friction
b) inertia
c) gravity
d) acceleration
According to Newton's second law of motion, ___________.
a) F=mv
b) F=m/a
c) a=Fnet/m
d) F=ma
The distance traveled divided by the time taken to travel the distance is _____________.
a) average speed
b) mass
c) momentum
d) speed
The relationship among force, mass, and acceleration is stated in ___________________.
a) the law of the conservation of momentum
b) Newton's first law of motion
c) Newton's second law of motion
d) Newton's third law of motion
When you graph the motion of an object, you put _______ on the horizontal axis and __________ on the vertical axis.
a) speed, time
b) distance, time
c) time, speed
d) time, distance
On a speed-time graph, a horizontal line shows the change in speed is ___________.
a) -10
b) 10
c) 1
d) 0
Speed is the rate of change in ______________.
a) velocity
b) time
c) direction
d) distance
To describe velocity you need to know ____________.
a) speed and direction
b) speed and time
c) direction and acceleration
d) speed and acceleration
Forces that are equal in size but opposite in direction are ______________.
a) balanced forces
b) frictional forces
c) inertial forces
d) net forces
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