Unit 6 Lesson 4 Pure Substances And Mixtures - PART 2 Question Preview (ID: 29068)

Distinguishing Between Pure Substances (elements And Compounds) And Mixtures. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a mixture that does not have a uniform composition; substances are not evenly spread throughout
a) heterogenous
b) homogeneous
c) matter
d) biochemical

a mixture that has a uniform composition; substances are evenly spread throughout
a) heterogeneous
b) homogenous
c) matter
d) biochemical

a mixture in which the particle of a material are spread throughout a liquid or gas but are too large to stay mixed without being stirred or shaken
a) suspension
b) solution
c) colloid
d) biochemical

one substance dissolved in another substance
a) suspension
b) solution
c) colloid
d) biochemical

a mixture in which the particles of a material are spread throughout a liquid or gas but are small and do not settle out quickly
a) suspension
b) solution
c) colloid
d) biochemical

Sucrose is another name for table sugar. Sucrose is a compound made from the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Which statement best describes the properties of sucrose?
a) They are exactly like the properties of carbon.
b) They are exactly like the properties of hydrogen.
c) They are exactly like the properties of oxygen.
d) They are different from the properties of the elements in sucrose.

David found that water can be created in a lab by burning hydrogen gas in the air. He concluded that water is not a compound because only hydrogen was used to form the water. What is wrong with David's conclusion?
a) A compound only contains one type of element.
b) Hydrogen is made up of two different types of atoms.
c) Water was not the product formed when he burned hydrogen.
d) The hydrogen combined with oxygen from the air to form water.

Each element is a pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler materials by ordinary means is is represented by a unique chemical symbol.

Atoms combine in different ways to make up all of the substance you encounter every day.

Saltwater can be separated into salt and water. Therefore, it is a mixture.

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