China's First Civilizations Question Preview (ID: 28762)
This Is A Quiz From Glencoe's Journey Across Time Textbook.
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character that represents an idea used in Chinese writing
a) mandate
b) ideograph
c) aristocrat
d) pictograph
a character that stands for an object, such as the moon or the sun
a) mandate
b) ideograph
c) bureaucracy
d) pictograph
a formal order
a) mandate
b) aristocrat
c) bureaucracy
d) pictograph
a system of appointed officials who run different parts of government
a) mandate
b) ideograph
c) aristocrat
d) bureaucracy
a noble whose wealth comes from the land they own
a) mandate
b) aristocrat
c) bureaucracy
d) pictrograph
The Chinese call the Huang He River what because it drowned people and destroyed homes?
a) China's gift
b) Yellow River
c) raging river
d) China's sorrow
China's first rulers were probably from what dynasty?
a) Zhou
b) Anyang
c) Xia
d) Shang
The first capital of China was s
a) Zhou
b) Guangzhou
c) Shang
d) Anyang
What dynasty ruled for more years than any other Chinese dynasty in history?
a) Anyang
b) Zhou
c) Shang
d) Xia
An important trade item during the Zhou dynasty was
a) silk
b) saddles
c) plows
d) crossbows
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