Culinary Review Part 3 Question Preview (ID: 28753)
These Are Questions 300-389, Part 3.
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What is being checked when the chef presses his/her finger on the grilled steak?
a) Color
b) Doneness
c) Taste
d) Texture
If it is to be grilled, why should a steak be well-marbled?
a) Color
b) Cuts easy
c) Flavor
d) Produces crosshatch marks
What temperature should the grill be before grilling?
a) 300 F
b) 350 F
c) 450 F
d) 500 F
How should broiled or grilled fruits be cooked?
a) One at a time
b) In frozen state
c) Quickly
d) Slowly
The broiler int he culinary kitchen had a UL tag on it. What does the tag indicate about the type of broiler?
a) Charcoal
b) Electricity
c) Gas
d) Wood
In the classic kitchen brigade, what is the responsibility of the grillardin?
a) Baked food preparation
b) Cold food preparation
c) Fried food preparation
d) Grilled food preparation
Grilled beef steaks must reach what internal temperature for 15 seconds?
a) 40 F
b) 65 F
c) 145 F
d) 160 F
If the chef placed the chicken breast in the salamander, what cooking technique is being used?
a) Baking
b) Broiling
c) Deep fat frying
d) Simmering
Broiled or grilled bulb vegetables have what flavor?
a) Bitter
b) Caramelized
c) Salty
d) Watery
If bread is made on monday and will be used thursday, how should it be stored?
a) Frozen in moisture-proof wrapping
b) In the oven
c) In the refrigerator in an airtight moisture-proof container
d) On shelves in the store room
Which yeast bread is made in a muffin pan?
a) Cloverleaf
b) Crescent
c) Parker House
d) Brioche
What problem causes yeast bread to consistently yield a product that had too much volume?
a) Baked too long
b) Too little salt
c) Too little yeast
d) Under-proofed
If the texture or consistency of yeast bread is moist, fine, with even grain, the bread is?
a) Unsatisfactory
b) High quality
c) Low quality
What is the BEST procedure to follow after baking soft white bread?
a) Cool in the pan and store unwrapped in refrigerator
b) Cool in the freezer, wrap, store at room temperature
c) Cool on rack, wrap, and store in a cool place
d) Wrap while slightly warm and store in the refrigerator
Bread may be stored in the refrigerator during warm weather to:
a) Improve the texture
b) Ensure that it will be cold when served
c) Keep it dry
d) Retard mold growth and spoilage
If a yeast bread recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of baking powder, what ingredients could be substituted?
a) 1/4 teaspoon baking soda + 1/2 teaspoon dry milk
b) 1/4 teaspoon baking soda + 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
c) 1/4 teaspoon dry yeast + 1/2 teaspoon salt
d) 1/4 teaspoon flour + 1/2 teaspoon sugar
If the cook is preparing a yeast bread in a bread machine, then the liquid ingredients should be:
a) Boiling
b) Cold
c) Hot
d) Room temperature
During the yeast bread process, when does oven spring occur?
a) During the first few minutes of baking
b) During the second half of baking
c) Once the oven begins to cool
d) When the oven begins to pre-heat
What is the correct temperature for liquid when the using the one-rise method of mixing?
a) 35 F - 45 F
b) 75 F - 85 F
c) 105 F - 115 F
d) 120 F - 130 F
How are the shortening, sugar, salt, and flavorings usually mixed for sweet dough?
a) Cream on a low blending speed
b) Cut many times with a butcher knife
c) Mix with a wire whip
d) Toss many times by hand
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