Unit 2 Review Question Preview (ID: 28744)
Individual Collective Rights.
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choose your own religion
a) legal right
b) equality right
c) democratic right
d) fundamental freedom
vote for a new government at least every 5 years
a) mobility right
b) legal right
c) equality right
d) democratic right
free from discrimination
a) fundamental freedom
b) equality rights
c) legal rights
d) mobility rights
move anywhere within Canada
a) mobility right
b) equality right
c) democratic right
d) legal right
free from unreasonable search and seizure
a) legal right
b) democratic right
c) equality right
d) fundamental freedom
Requiring an interpreter in court for an accused who is deaf is an example of
a) legal rights
b) fundamental freedoms
c) equality rights
d) democratic rights
What is part of Canada's highest law?
a) Indian Act
b) Charter of Rights and Freedoms
c) Alberta Metis Settlement Accord
d) Immigration and Refugee Act
Which group was NOT in interment camps in Canada?
a) Italians
b) Japanese
c) Greeks
d) Ukrainians
Which group does NOT get collective rights?
a) Francophones
b) immigrants
c) Anglophones
d) aboriginal peoples
Which treaty is NOT in Alberta?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8
What was the original goal of the Indian Act?
a) assimilation
b) inclusion
c) education
d) isolation
When can an official language minority group get a publicly funded school?
a) anytime
b) at no time
c) if they apply for it
d) when their are sufficient numbers
Which group has the only agreement of its kind in Canada?
a) Metis
b) Inuit
c) First Nations
d) Francophones
When did the last Indian Residential School close?
a) 1994
b) 1995
c) 1996
d) 1997
What was the name of the documentary we watched?
a) Where the Spirit Lives
b) Against the Grain
c) We Were Children
d) The Fallen Feather
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