ISAT Practice #24: Glencoe Science: Life Science Question Preview (ID: 28664)
ISAT Practice #24: Glencoe Science: Life Science.
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In which cell structure does photosynthesis take place?
a) cell wall
b) mitochondrion
c) vacuole
d) chloroplast
Which of these substances is produced during photosynthesis?
a) carbon dioxide
b) chlorophyll
c) oxygen
d) water
Long-day plants usually flower ___.
a) in late fall
b) in mid-winter
c) in early summer
d) any time there is more than 12 hours of darkness
An animal that eats only plants or plant parts is a(n) ___.
a) carnivore
b) omnivore
c) scavenger
d) herbivore
An animal with a backbone is called a(n) ___.
a) vertebrate
b) ceolomate
c) hermaphrodite
d) invertebrate
A tiger's stripes hide it in tall grass. This is an example of ___.
a) behavior
b) mimicry
c) camouflage
d) size as a defense
Which of the following is a behavioral adaptation that helps prey avoid predators?
a) a moose's large size
b) a porcupine's sharp quills
c) a skunk's bad-smelling spray
d) a turtle's hard outer shell
Which of these is an example of mimicry?
a) a cameleon changs color depending on its surroundings
b) a peppered moth looks like the lichens on trees
c) a squid sprays a cloud of ink
d) a non-venomous snake looks like a venomous snake
Which of these animals spends part of its life as a polyp and part as a medusa?
a) planarians
b) jellyfish
c) sponges
d) tapeworms
Nematode is another name for which of the following groups of animals?
a) earthworms
b) roundworms
c) flatworms
d) tapeworms
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