Canada Unit Test Question Preview (ID: 28472)
The Geography, History, Economics, And Government Of Canada Unit Test Review.
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Where do most people live in Canada?
a) Northern Canada
b) Southern Canada
c) The Island of Vancouver
d) Northeastern Canada
How does climate affect where most people choose to live in Canada?
a) Most people live in northern Canada due to the warm climate
b) Most people live in northern Canada due to the cold climate
c) Most people live in southern Canada due to the cold climate
d) Most people live in southern Canada due to warmer climate
How does the climate of Canada affect vegetation?
a) The colder climate in northern Canada helps vegetation grow
b) The warmer climate in northern Canada helps vegetation grow
c) The warmer climate in southern Canada helps vegetation grow
d) The colder climate in southern Canada helps vegetation grow
How does Canada’s location in North America affect trade?
a) It is better able to trade with other countries
b) There is a limit on what can be imported and exported
c) It causes a trade barrier between foreign countries
d) There is no impact on trade with other countries
Which physical feature is negatively affected by acid rain?
a) Hudson Bay
b) Great Lakes
c) Canadian Shield
d) Rocky Mountains
Which agreement eliminated trade barriers with the US and Mexico?
a) C.M.U. Act (Canada, Mexico, United States Act)
b) A.P.C. Agreement (Atlantic Pacific Caribbean Agreement)
c) NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
d) SAFTA (South American Free Trade Agreement)
Which two European countries have influenced Canada's language and religion?
a) America and France
b) France and Spain
c) Mexico and Great Britain
d) Great Britain and France
Which of the following statements describe how Canada became independent?
a) Canada gradually gained independence from Great Britain
b) Canada won its independence from Great Britain in a revolution
c) Canada is not independent and is tightly controlled by France
d) Canada is not independent and is tightly controlled by Great Britain
Where are most of Canada's goods manufactured?
a) The Canadian Shield
b) The Rocky Mountains
c) The Prairie Provinces
d) The Great Lakes Region
Why are some French citizens of Quebec pushing for independence from Canada?
a) People feel the English are overtaking their language culture
b) People feel the Canadian government is refusing their rights
c) People feel the Canadian government isn't protecting them
d) People do not want independence from Canada
What natural resource found in the Canadian Shield is important to Canada's economy?
a) Agriculture
b) Solar Power
c) Tourism
d) Mineral Resources
What are the two official languages of Canada?
a) English and French
b) English and Spanish
c) French and Spanish
d) English and Inuitese
There are 3 territories in Canada. How many provinces are there?
a) 12
b) 5
c) 10
d) 7
What important seaway connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean is a main trade route?
a) The St. Lawrence River
b) The Chestee River
c) The Hudson River
d) The Ottowon River
Which of the following terms does NOT describe Canada's government?
a) Federal
b) Constitutional Monarchy
c) Presidential Democracy
d) Parliamentary Democracy
The majority of the people in Quebec belong to which ethnic group?
a) The French
b) The British
c) The German
d) The Inuit
Which territory was created in 1999 for the Inuit?
a) Quebec
b) Ottowa
c) Nova Scotia
d) Nunavut
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