Samuels BIO Gymnosperms Question Preview (ID: 28377)
Gymnosperms And Conifers.
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All nonflowering plants that produce seeds not covered by the walles of an ovary.
a) gymnosperms
b) angiosperms
c) producers
d) consumers
Ovulate cones are ___________ in size compared to staminate cones.
a) larger
b) smaller
c) about the same
d) microscopic
Which groups includes pines, spruces, firs, cedars, and redwoods?
a) conifers
b) angiosperms
c) cycads
d) nonvascular plant
What are unusual gymnosperms that resemble palm trees?
a) cycads
b) redwoods
c) ginkgoes
d) bunya-bunya
Whats oriental gymnosperm is characterized by two-lobed, fan-shaped leaves?
a) ginkgo
b) bunya-bunya
c) kauri
d) cycad
Pollen producing cones produced by conifers are called _______ cones.
a) staminate
b) ovulate
c) pistillate
d) aril
Which of the following are designed to survive harsh climates?
a) conifers
b) angiosperms
c) fruits
d) grasses
Which of the following trees in known as one of the tallest trees in the world?
a) coast redwood
b) bristlecone
c) pine
d) oak
Cones produced by conifers that contain the cells to be fertilized by pollen are called ____ cones.
a) ovulate
b) staminate
c) aril
d) pistillate
Which of the following are nonvascular plants?
a) liverworts
b) cycads
c) conifers
d) ferns
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