Becoming A Health Care Worker Review Question Preview (ID: 28372)

Final Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is a Professional?
a) Someone who is paid for their work.
b) Someone who does something well.
c) The way someone or something looks.
d) Someone who is polite.

A ___________ degree is a 4 year program.
a) Associates
b) Bachelor's
c) Master's
d) Doctoral

A ____________ degree is a 6 + year program
a) Associates
b) Bachelor's
c) Master's
d) Doctoral

A ___________ degree is a 2 year program
a) Associates
b) Bachelor's
c) Master's
d) Doctoral

What are 2 suggestions for a Health care professional’s appearance and hygiene?
a) Wear comfortable clothes and lots of make-up
b) Wear cologne and comfortable shoes
c) Have good hygiene, and lots of jewelry
d) Dress according to the facilities dress code and wear name badge

Therapeutic services _________________________________.
a) Involves education, disease prevention, biomedical development and research, social work, and specialty assistants.
b) Observe patient environment, report results, and assist the treatment team by preforming procedures accurately and assi
c) Analyze, identify, and document information using automated systems.
d) Help diagnose illness and disease. Plan services and preform tasks accurately.

Informative services ________________________________.
a) Involves education, disease prevention, biomedical development and research, social work, and specialty assistants.
b) Observe patient environment, report results, and assist the treatment team by preforming procedures accurately and assi
c) Analyze, identify, and document information using automated systems.
d) Help diagnose illness and disease. Plan services and preform tasks accurately.

Environmental Health and Medicine careers______________________________.
a) Involves education, disease prevention, biomedical development and research, social work, and specialty assistants.
b) Observe patient environment, report results, and assist the treatment team by preforming procedures accurately and assi
c) Analyze, identify, and document information using automated systems.
d) Help diagnose illness and disease. Plan services and preform tasks accurately.

Diagnostic Services ________________________________________.
a) Involves education, disease prevention, biomedical development and research, social work, and specialty assistants.
b) Observe patient environment, report results, and assist the treatment team by preforming procedures accurately and assi
c) Analyze, identify, and document information using automated systems.
d) Help diagnose illness and disease. Plan services and preform tasks accurately.

Which is not a recommendation for body language?
a) Smile. Let people know you’re friendly.
b) Keep an open stance.
c) Do not look at patients while talking with them.
d) Sit or stand at eye level with patients as you talk.

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