Modern Inventions Question Preview (ID: 28356)
From The Book God's Design For The Physical World. Unit 4 Modern Conveniences.
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Who invented the incandescent light bulb?
a) Thomas Edison
b) Thomas Watt
c) James Watt
d) James Edison
What are three types of lightbulbs
a) Incandescent
b) Halogen, Flourescent
c) LED
d) All of the above
In a washing machine this force helps remove water from clothes:
a) Centripetal force
b) Tensile strength
c) net force
d) boyancy
This must be removed from a light bulb to prevent burning of the filament:
a) Oxygen
b) Helium
c) Hydrogen
d) Carbon Dioxide
Modern Appliances are designed to save
a) Time and Effort
b) Money and Effort
c) Time and Money
d) none of the above
Accurate clocks were needed for:
a) Navigation
b) Trains
c) Planes
d) All of the above
Refrigeration if the removal of:
a) heat
b) cold
c) food
d) bacteria
Refrigeration requires a substance to change
a) state
b) matter
c) density
d) altitude
The main reason refrigerators were invented
a) preserve food
b) make food taste better
c) eat food
d) cook food
One of the earliest ways to tell time was:
a) Sundail
b) Waterclock
c) Obelisk
d) all of the above
What are some of the problems that had to be solved before a useful sewing machine could be invented?
a) Prepare a short written answer.
b) Think about the needle going through the fabric and where the eye is placed.
Explain how a refrigerator works:
a) Prepare a short written answer
b) Step 1: Liquid refrigerant is under pressure
c) Step 2: flows through a valve, lower pressure causes it to expand
d) Step 3: turned into a gas, repeat
How does centripetal force work?
a) Prepare a short written answer
b) Remember the experiment we did with the wash cloth.
Why is the pendulum an important part of a accurate clock?
a) Prepare a short written answer.
b) Tick- tock
c) Accurate
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