Technology, Ch. 4-Materials Question Preview (ID: 27811)

Technology. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Material size, density, porosity and surface texture refer to what properties
a) thermal
b) physical
c) mechanical
d) chemical

Which properties control how a material reacts to heat or cold?
a) chemical
b) physical
c) mechanical
d) thermal

What properties include strength, elasticity, plasticity, hardness, toughness, or fatigue
a) mechanical
b) physical
c) thermal
d) chemical

The properties that refer to a material's reaction to light are __________.
a) optical
b) acoustical
c) electrical
d) magnetic

How materials react to sound waves refers to what properties?
a) magnetic
b) electrical
c) acoustical
d) optical

Acids taste ____________.
a) sour
b) sweet
c) bitter
d) semi-sweet

Acids fall in the range of ___________.
a) 7 to 14
b) 7
c) 0 to 7
d) 14

Bases taste ________________ and are _______________.
a) semi-sweet, dry
b) sweet, slippery
c) sour, dry
d) bitter, slippery

Bases fall in the range of _________________.
a) 0 to 7
b) 7 to 14
c) 15 to 22
d) 7

A ph of 7 is _______.
a) basic
b) alkaline
c) acidic
d) neutral

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