Weathering And Erosion Question Preview (ID: 27697)

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What is mechanical weathering?
a) The breakdown of rock caused by physical forces
b) Weathering caused by chemicals that change the composition of the rock
c) The movement of the sediments
d) Where the sediments settle after they have been moved

What is chemical weathering?
a) The breakdown of rock caused by physical forces
b) Weathering caused by chemicals that change the composition of the rock
c) The movement of the sediments
d) Where the sediments settle after they have been moved

What is weathering?
a) The movement of sediments
b) The breakdown of rock in two different ways
c) A pattern of weather over an extended period of time
d) What a rock is made from

What is erosion?
a) The breaking up of rock by physical forces
b) Where sediment settles
c) Breaking up of rock by a chemical reaction
d) The movement of sediments by wind or water

What is ice wedging?
a) When water gets in the crack of a rock, freezes and then expands
b) When extreme pressure from underground causes rock on the surface to crack
c) When roots break through rock
d) When water flowing over rocks causes them to be smooth

What is Abrasion?
a) When roots break through rock
b) When extreme pressure from underground causes rock on the surface to crack
c) When water flowing over rocks (friction) causes them to be smooth
d) When water gets in the crack of a rock, freezes and then expands

What is Pressure Release?
a) When water gets in the crack of a rock, freezes and then expands
b) When water flowing over rocks causes them to be smooth
c) When extreme pressure from under ground causes rock on the surface to crack
d) When roots break through rock

Plant root growth
a) When water gets in the crack of a rock, freezes and then expands
b) When water flowing over rocks causes them to be smooth
c) When extreme pressure from under ground causes rock on the surface to crack
d) When roots break through rock

Which is NOT a reason the rate of weathering can be different?
a) Rock Composition
b) Surface Area
c) Vegetation
d) Climate

What characteristic is noticeable when a chemical change has happened?
a) Sediments could be a different color than before
b) Sediments are in pieces
c) Sediments stay the same
d) Sediments are gone

What moves sediment across the Earth?
a) Animals
b) Cars
c) Wind, water and gravity
d) Earthworms

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