Week 14 Vocabulary Review Game (2015) Question Preview (ID: 27666)

Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Something that is in or supplied by our natural environment is called _____.
a) Natural Resources
b) Renewable Resources
c) Non-renewable Resources
d) Capital Resources

What is the group of countries that control the oil prices called?

What is fresh water found under the ground called?
a) Ground Water
b) Aquifer
c) Sea
d) River

What is the renoval of salt from water?
a) Deforestation
b) Desalination
c) Distribution
d) Decontamination

What is to give out or make something available?
a) Distillation
b) Distract
c) Decontamination
d) Distribution

What is an area of land that receives very little rainfall?
a) Desert
b) Rainforest
c) Savanna
d) Arid

What is the area between the Tigris and Euphrates River called?
a) First Land
b) Fertile Crescent
c) New Crescent
d) Fertile Farmland

What is an area with a large population of people in one place called?
a) Dense
b) Sparse
c) Scarce
d) Abundent

What is another name for the city?
a) Rural
b) Country
c) Town
d) Urban

What is the area away from the city called?
a) Rural
b) Country
c) Town
d) Urban

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