Chemical Bonding Question Preview (ID: 27503)
Chemical Bonding.
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In a covalent bond, atoms...
a) share electrons.
b) trade electrons.
c) gain and lose electrons.
d) share protons.
In an ionic bond, atoms...
a) gain and lose electrons.
b) share electrons.
c) trade electrons.
d) trade protons.
Why can't a third Hydrogen atom join the two Hydrogen atoms forming a Hydrogen molecule?
a) There is no room in the out energy levels for any additional electrons.
b) This is a trick question. The third Hydrogen atom can join the molecule.
c) You can't have more than two atoms in a molecule.
When two unattached Hydrogen atoms move near each other, ...
a) the electron from each hydrogen atom feels an attraction from the proton in the other atom.
b) the proton from each hydrogen atom is too strongly repelled by the proton from the other for bonding to occur.
c) the protons in each atom feel an attraction for the protons in the other atom.
In order for a covalent bond to happen, ...
a) both atoms must be nonmetals and there must be room for the electrons in the outer energy levels of both atoms.
b) both atoms must be nonmetals and only one of the atoms must have room for the electrons in its outer energy level.
c) one must be a metal and the other a nonmetal
d) both atoms must be metals and there must be room for the electrons in the outer energy levels of both atoms.
When atoms bond, the molecule is held together by...
a) the attraction between the positive protons and the negative electrons.
b) the attraction between the protons.
c) the attraction between the neutrons.
d) the attraction between the negative protons and the positive electrons.
In an ionic bond,...
a) one atom is a metal and the other a nonmetal.
b) both atoms are nonmetals.
c) both atoms are metals.
d) both atoms are metalloids.
In an ionic bond,...
a) one atom loses electrons, which are gained by the other.
b) the atoms share electrons.
c) the atoms trade electrons.
d) both atoms lose electrons.
An atom that looses an electron when bonding will become a...
a) positively charged ion.
b) negatively charged ion.
c) neutrally charged ion.
In an ionic bond, the atoms are held together because...
a) they have become oppositely charged ions that are attracted to one another.
b) they are sharing electrons.
c) they have become positively charged ions that are attracted to one another.
d) they have become negatively charged ions that are attracted to one another.
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