Wireless Communications Question Preview (ID: 27467)

This Is A Study Guide For Wireless Communications. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Even if you're in your coverage area, you still may experience service interruption if:
a) You're inside a building
b) You don't have a smart phone
c) You are in a crowd of people
d) Both A and C (If your in a building or crowd)

True or False: It doesn't matter what you text someone as long as you trust the person you're texting.
a) True
b) False
c) This is not the answer.
d) This is not the answer.

Which of the following is true about texting while driving?
a) There are laws in place against texting while driving in many states.
b) Most teens choose not to text while driving.
c) It's a form of distracted driving and can be deadly.
d) All of the above

When buying a cell phone, which feature is the most important?
a) Customer Service
b) Coverage Area
c) Cost
d) It depends on the user's needs

Teens can be responsible with cell phones by:
a) Assigning a designated texter while driving
b) Talking to their parents about choosing a phone and a plan that is within their budget
c) Never sending revealing texts, no matter the recipient
d) All of the above

True or False: Location-Based services are always free
a) True
b) False
c) This is not the answer.
d) This is not the answer.

What can an emergency service application do?
a) Connect users to emergency services such as 911
b) Determine a person's location and relay it to an ambulance or police
c) Text safety tips to the owner of the phone
d) Both A and B (Connects to 911 and determines location)

Which of the following is true about roaming?
a) It's when people use a cell phone network different from their own
b) It's feature that can cost extra money to use
c) It's the number one cause of interference for Smartphone users
d) Both A and B

True or False: All types of cell phones have operating systems
a) True
b) False
c) This is not the answer.
d) This is not the answer.

True or False: People who send or receive sexually explicit messages can face legal consequences
a) True
b) False
c) This is not the answer.
d) This is not the answer.

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