Mitosis Question Preview (ID: 27438)

Mitosis. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

________ is a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus
a) mitosis
b) metamorphosis
c) photosynthesis
d) diffusion

What is the first phase of mitosis?
a) metaphase
b) prophase
c) anaphase
d) telophase

What phase of mitosis comes after prophase?
a) metaphase
b) prophase
c) telophase
d) anaphase

What phase of mitosis comes after metaphase?
a) metaphase
b) prophase
c) telophase
d) anaphase

What phase of mitosis comes after anaphase?
a) prophase
b) anaphase
c) telophase
d) metaphase

What happens after mitosis in an animal cell?
a) cytokinesis
b) photosynthesis
c) plasmosis
d) metaphase

What phase is the cell in when it's not doing cell division (mitosis)?
a) plasmosis
b) metaphase
c) interphase
d) photosynthesis

What happens during interphase?
a) cells grow, replicate dna, and do their normal cell functions
b) chromosomes move to the middle of the cell
c) chromosomes dissolve
d) cells grow, erase their dna, and send messages to the mitochondria

What happens to chromosomes during prophase?
a) they break apart and become invisible
b) they condense and become visible
c) they condense and become part of the cell membrane
d) they line up in the middle of the cell

What happens to chromosomes during metaphase?
a) chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
b) chromosomes move to opposite poles of the cell
c) chromosomes condense
d) chromosomes are pulled away from each other by spindle fibers.

What happens to chromosomes during anaphase.
a) spindle fibers dissolve the chromomes
b) spindle fibers pull the chromosomes away from each other to opposite sides of the cell
c) spindle fibers pull the chromosomes to the middle where they line up
d) spindle fibers place chromosomes inside the nucleus

What happens to chromosomes during telophase?
a) chromosome sets assemble at opposite poles and a nuclear envelope reforms around each set
b) chromosome sets line up in the middle and do their chromosome dance
c) chromosome sets disappear never to be seen again
d) chromosome sets diffuse out of the cell into intracellular space

What two organelles have a big part to play in mitosis?
a) the nucleus and vacuoles
b) centrioles and chloroplasts
c) the nucleus and the mitochondria
d) centrioles and the nucleus

What is cytokinesis?
a) after mitosis, two cousin cells are formed
b) after mitosis, the mitochondria splits and 2 grandfather cells are formed
c) after mitosis, the cytoplasm of a single cell divides to form two daughter cells.
d) after mitosis, the cytoplasm of a single cell divides into 6 new cells.

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