Plate Tectonics Question Preview (ID: 27345)
Continental Drift, Sea-floor Spreading, Plate Tectonics.
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Alfred Wegener developed a theory called __________________.
a) Plate Tectonics
b) Sea-floor spreading
c) Continental Drift
d) Convection Currents
divergent boundary
a) The plates slide past each other
b) The plates separate or divide
c) The plates crash into each other or collide
convergent boundary
a) The plates slide past each other
b) The plates separate or divide
c) The plates crash into each other or collide
transform boundary
a) The plates slide past each other
b) The plates separate or divide
c) The plates crash into each other or collide
____________________ is the process when two plates collide, or converge, and one plate sinks under the other plate, going back into the mantle.
a) mid-ocean ridge
b) sea-floor spreading
c) deep ocean trench
d) subduction
What makes the plates move?
a) Convection currents in the mantle
b) The continents floating on the ocean
c) Radiation from the sun
d) Continental and oceanic crust
Which of the following is NOT evidence that supports Alfred Wegener's theory?
a) matching plant fossils
b) continents fit like puzzle pieces
c) subduction
d) fossils from warm climate found in cold climate
cracks in the crust
a) plates
b) fault
c) boundary
pieces of crust
a) plates
b) fault
c) boundary
where two or more plates meet; the edges of the plates
a) plates
b) fault
c) boundary
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