WAR TEST Question Preview (ID: 27280)

Questions That Will Help For The History Test Of The M. East. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Ottoman Empire ended ....
a) 1920, after WWI
b) 1935
c) 1945, after WWII
d) 1810

a) when a country is placed under control of another country
b) millions of Jews murdered by the Nazis
c) when oil is traded
d) a city in Syria

Zionism is
a) Jews encouraged to move back to homeland
b) another name for Holocaust
c) prejudice against Jews
d) prejudice against Muslim

Suliman I
a) leader of Isreal
b) leader of Ottoman Empire
c) leader of Iraq
d) leader of al-Queda

Anti- Semitic
a) prejudice against Jews
b) prejudice against Muslims
c) prejudice against Ottoman Empire
d) people against OPEC

Janissaries are
a) soldiers in the Ottoman Empire
b) soldiers for Palestine
c) soldiers for Israel
d) laws against Jews

1948 is when
a) Israel became a stae
b) 9/11 happened
c) Palestine was formed
d) Suleiman died

Who divided Israel in 1948
a) UN
b) Great Britian
c) Palestine
d) PLO

The war Between Kuwait and Iraq in the 1990s was fought over
a) oil
b) religion
c) PLO
d) Israel

Osama Bin Laden
a) was leader of Al-Queda
b) leader of Iraq
c) president of Egypt
d) helped at the Camp David Accords

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