Temptation Of Jesus Question Preview (ID: 27266)
Review Of Matthew.
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How many days was Jesus fasting in the desert?
a) 40
b) 25
c) 80
d) 12
Fill in the blank. People do not live by ___________ alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.
a) water
b) bread
c) meat
d) gummy bears
After the devil went away, who came and took care of Jesus?
a) Disciples
b) Mary
c) Angels
d) Pharisees
What is the name of the holy city that the devil took Jesus to?
a) Ur
b) Bethlehem
c) Nazareth
d) Jerusalem
When the devil told Jesus to jump off of the Temple, what did he say would save Jesus?
a) wings
b) gravity
c) angels
d) ball pit
What did Jesus say after the devil tried to tempt him a 3rd time? Fill in the blank (3 words) _______ ______ _____ here, Satan!
a) Get out of
b) Stay away from
c) Come on over
d) You aren't welcome
How many times did the devil attempt to tempt Jesus in the wilderness?
a) 40
b) 7
c) 12
d) 3
Fill in the blank: Jesus was led into the wilderness shortly after he was _________
a) born
b) baptized
c) crucified
d) preaching
What objects did the devil tell Jesus to turn into bread?
a) Rabbits
b) Snakes
c) Baskets
d) Stones
For the second temptation, the devil took Jesus to the highest point of what?
a) Temple
b) Mountain
c) Tree
d) Earth
For the third temptation, the devil took Jesus to the _____ of a very high mountain.
a) peak
b) edge
c) bottom
d) valley
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