North Asia Test Question Preview (ID: 27166)

China, Mongolia, Test Review Guide. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Much of North Asia including Taiwan is
a) Desert
b) Mountainous
c) Plateau
d) Plains

90% of China's population lives in which part of China
a) North China Plain
b) Plateau of Tibet
c) Taklimakan Plain
d) Far Southwestern corner

What is the capital city of China?
a) Shanghai
b) Guangzhou
c) Hong Kong
d) Beijing

What was significant about October 1, 1949
a) Tiananmen square took place
b) The One Child Policy was brought to an end
c) Deng Xiaoping took power
d) Mao Zedong took power

Which of the following was the primary job of the emperor?
a) Make sure people's needs were met
b) Set an example of fairness
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above

China's first Communist leader was
a) Mao Zedong
b) Shi Huangdi
c) Deng Xioping
d) Genghis Khan

Many countries consider China's response to rebellions as violations of
a) Trade agreements
b) Human Rights
c) Free enterprise
d) Environmental problems

What led to the events of Tiananmen Square in 1989
a) People rebelled in Tibet
b) Foreign businesses had begun to own Chinese companies
c) Protesters demanded political rights and freedoms
d) Countries threatened to limit or stop trade with China

Is Hong Kong part of China?
a) No, it is an independence city
b) No, it is an independent country
c) Yes, but it is a semi-independent city
d) Yes, it is simply a city found in China

Why are people in Hong Kong protesting?
a) They want a communist government in place
b) China guaranteed them free speech, a free press and a free market system, but have failed to do so
c) They want a command economy
d) The protest is over

What event helped to bring about over population in China?
a) The One Child Policy
b) Qing Dynasty
c) Cultural Revolution
d) The Great Leap Forward

Who ordered the building of the terra cotta warriors?
a) Deng Xiaoping
b) Mao Zedong
c) Shi Huangdi
d) Kai-Shek

The United States opposed communism and saw its spread as a threat to democracy. The opposition led to
a) World War I
b) World War II
c) The Cold War
d) The war in Afghanistan

Which river in China is the longest river and transportation route?
a) The Volga
b) The Nile
c) The Huang He
d) The Yangzi

Which Chinese Dynasty was the last?
a) Shang
b) Zhou
c) Qing
d) Han

Who were the Chinese Nationalists?
a) Those that wanted communism
b) Those that wanted democracy
c) Those that wanted to live life under an emperor
d) Those that wanted to live life under a dictator

True or False: Mao implemented a program in 1958 to organize all farms into collectives where large communes of about 25,00o people farmed together under government supervision. This was called the Cultural Revolution.
a) True
b) False

True or False: The Cultural Revolution was created to stop all opposition to the Chinese Communist party.
a) True
b) False

True or False: In 1989 Students met in the Kremlin to protest China's corrupt communist governing in Beijing's Tiananmen Square
a) True
b) False

True or False: In 1976 Deng Xioping transitioned China from a command economy to a mixed market economy
a) True
b) False

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