Communication Repair And Anticipatory Strategies Question Preview (ID: 26874)

Find The Best Repair Or Anticipatory Strategy To Use For Each Speaker Listener Or Environmental Barrier! TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Someone in class just answered a test question you did not hear because they were sitting too far away
a) Ask your friend what was said, even if you both miss the next test question
b) Yell out in class-What?? I can't hear you!!
c) After class, explain problem to teacher and ask teacher to repeat student answers through the FM
d) Try to listen harder so it's not such a big deal

Your teacher gave a direction but you were reading your science book
a) Finish reading that section and wait to see if your teacher repeats the direction
b) Walk over to your teacher, explain the listening problem to your teacher and ask her to repeat the direction
c) Ask your teacher to repeat saying-What? I didn't hear you
d) Pretend you understood and ask a friend later

Your parents gave you a direction from another room or far away and you cannot understand them clearly* Move closer so you can hear AND see your parents and ask them to repeat using
a) Yell back to your parents to ask for them to repeat by saying-What? I can't hear you!
b) Move closer so you can hear AND see your parents and ask them to repeat using what you heard
c) Ignore the direction. They will probably repeat it again anyway
d) Try to understand what they might have said do your best

You are talking on the phone with your friend about your x-box scores. You are not sure if your friend said he got to level 18 or 80?
a) Double check with your friend and spell your confusion..Did you say you got to level 18 (1-8) or 80 (8-0)?
b) Ask you friend to repeat. What did you say about your score?
c) Pretend you understood. Oh Cool! How important is that information anyway?
d) X-Box Barrier

You are listening to your teacher in class when your FM receiver battery stops working. How can you ANTICIPATE this problem and fix it before it happens again?
a) test your battery every morning and change it when it looks low
b) wait until it stops working and then ask if you can go to the nurse to get a new battery
c) wait until class is over and then get a new battery
d) wait until you see your hearing teacher and change your battery when you go to her class.

You are talking with a friend in the hall on the way to class and it is too noisy to hear him
a) lean closer and ask him to say it again
b) focus your attention and try to listen harder
c) explain that it is noisy, and ask your friend if they can talk about it when they get to class or during lunch
d) ask your friend to talk louder and ask him to say it again

You are starting a new chapter in class that will be important for the final test. Your class has many students and sometimes it is hard to hear other students and your teacher during discussions.
a) close the door, lean toward your teacher and ask him to say it again when needed
b) Focus your attention hard during class and double check with another student when needed
c) Read the chapter before class so you know what to listen for. Ask your teacher to write student ideas on the board.
d) move your seat closer to your teacher and double check what he says during the discussion

You are feeling tired and sleepy when your friend calls you on the phone. You know you won't be able to focus your attention to hear her clearly.
a) Text your friend that you are feeling tired and ask her to text you instead of call you so you can see what she says instead.
b) Focus your attention and ask your friend to say it again when needed
c) ask to move to a more quiet area to talk and double check what she says
d) close the door and ask your friend to say it again

A student across the class said something that sounded important but she was too quiet to hear clearly.
a) close the door and ask your friend what she said
b) focus your attention, lean toward the student, and listen harder
c) move away from the noise and ask her to say it again
d) Tell your teacher her voice was too quiet, and ask your teacher, who is wearing the FM, to repeat what she said

You are at a restaurant with your family for dinner, it is very noisy and you know it will be hard to hear clearly.
a) lean closer to your family and ask them to say things again when you need it
b) ask your family to request a table in a corner or next to a wall,and then sit with your back to the wall to better hear.
c) focus your attention on your family when they speak so you don't miss anything!
d) ask for a table next to the kitchen and double check what your family says during dinner

Your teacher is facing the board while she is giving directions and you are not sure if she said to wait 15 or 50 minutes.
a) close the door and ask her to say it again
b) move closer to your teacher and ask her to say it again
c) ask your teacher to face you and double check if she said 15 or 50
d) focus your attention back on your teacher and double check if she said 15 or 50

You are getting ready to review for an important test tomorrow and it is always noisy in the hall 15 minutes into class because other students are going to lunch.
a) focus your attention on your teacher during review and ask her to repeat it when needed
b) move close to your teacher and ask her to repeat it when needed
c) close to door before class starts and double check important information when needed
d) ask your teacher to face you and to repeat things when needd

You missed what your friend said about her party because you were daydreaming about your awesome weekend plans
a) lean closer to your friend and ask her to say it again
b) move away from the noise and ask her to say it again
c) focus your attention on your friend and ask her what she said about her party
d) ask your friend to wait until you are done daydreaming and then ask her to say it again

Students are moving and scraping chairs and tables across the floor upstairs and you missed what the answer was for question #4
a) lean closer to the teacher and try to listen harder
b) move away from the noise and ask your teacher to say it again
c) Tell your teacher you couldn't hear because of the noise upstairs and ask her to repeat the answer for #4
d) close the door and ask your friend to say it again

Students are talking in class at the same time as the teacher when she said what pages to do for homework.
a) focus your attention and listen harder, then ask her to say it again
b) Tell the teacher it is too noisy and ask her what pages she said to do for homework
c) ask your friend what she said
d) ask to see your teacher's face and then ask her to say it again

You are talking on the phone with a friend and cannot understand what time he said to meet him
a) tell your friend to speak louder and ask, Did you say to meet you at 5-F-i-v-e o'clock or 9 n-i-n-e o'clock?
b) move closer to your friend and ask him to repeat it
c) focus your attention on your friend and ask him to say it again
d) ask your friend to wait and then ask him to say it again

You are having a hard time understanding your teacher because it is noisy in the hall
a) Try harder to look and listen through the noise
b) Scream out in frustration, ITS TOO NOISY IN HERE!!
c) Get up and close the door
d) Give Up and put your head down on your desk

Your parents are ALWAYS talking to you from another room or far away and you cannot understand them clearly* Explain the problem to your parents and what would help you for next time Your parents are talking to you from another room or far away and
a) Yell back at your parents-You know I can't hear you if you are so far away!
b) Walk over to your parents, explain the listening problem to them, and tell them what would help you understand for next time
c) Ignore them for now, they will repeat what they said eventually
d) Pretend you didn't hear them and do nothing

You are having a hard time hearing your teacher because the fans next to you are too noisy
a) Explain the problem to your teacher after class and ask for a better seat away from the noise
b) Try to look and listen harder to your teacher
c) Give up on listening, and put your head down to rest
d) Scream out in frustration! ITS TOO NOISY IN HERE!!

You cannot hear your friend clearly in the hall when you are walking to class because it is too noisy
a) Nod your head and pretend to understand so its not such a big deal
b) Explain the noise problem to your friend and ask to move to a more quiet place or room to finish talking
c) Start talking about something else all the way to class so you don't have to try so hard to listen
d) Yell out at everyone in the hall to BE QUIET!

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