Anatomy And Positioning Of The Hand Question Preview (ID: 26802)
This Test Will Cover The Anatomy Of The Hand And The Positioning Of The Hand For X-rays.
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How many bones are in the human adult hand?
a) 25
b) 27
c) 29
d) 32
What is the name of the bones most commonly called the fingers?
a) phalanges
b) carpals
c) sesmoid bones
d) pelvis
What are the name of the bones in the wrist.
a) metacarpals
b) carpals
c) sesmoid bones
d) pelvis
How many metacarpals do humans have in one hand?
a) 3
b) 5
c) 10
d) 15
What are the standard positions of the hand.
a) AP, oblique, and lateral
b) Pa, oblique, and lateral
c) Oblique, lateral , and rotated
d) Ap and lateral
What are the standard positions of the wrist
a) AP, oblique, and lateral
b) Pa, oblique, and lateral
c) Oblique, lateral , and rotated
d) Ap and lateral
How is a hand x-ray commonly performed?
a) Erect
b) Tabletop in the bucky
c) Tabletop with no bucky
d) Cross-table lateral
What is the side of the hand that contains fingernails called?
a) The lateral side
b) The medial side
c) The anterior side
d) The posterior side
What are the three sets of phalanges?
a) Anterior, posterior, and oblique
b) Erect, upright, and decubitus
c) Proximal, intermediate, and distal
d) Lateral, medial, and distal
What side of the forearm is closest to the body?
a) Metacarpal
b) Ulna
c) Radius
d) Metatarsal
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