Week 8 Vocabulary Review (2015) Question Preview (ID: 26656)

Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the ability to read and write?
a) Literacy
b) Famine
c) Education
d) Pandemic

what is extreme scarity of food in a region?
a) Hungry
b) Literacy
c) Famine
d) Abundent

A member of a small group of soldiers that attack suddenly and disappear into hiding is called a ____.
a) Pandemic
b) Guerrilla
c) Voluteer
d) Entrepreneur

What is an outbreak of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region?
a) Cure
b) Anticipate
c) Volunteer
d) Pandemic

What do you call a person who offers to do something by his or her choice?
a) Volunteer
b) Entrepreneur
c) Employee
d) Worker

What is to protect?
a) Compile
b) Establish
c) Defend
d) Anticipate

What is to predict something?
a) Assess
b) Anticipate
c) Estiblish
d) Produce

What is to evaluate something?
a) Assess
b) Compile
c) Establish
d) Anticipate

What is to put together?
a) Establish
b) Assess
c) Produce
d) Compile

What is to bring attention to somethin?
a) Abundent
b) Literacy
c) Emphasize
d) Compile

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