Atmosphere Question Preview (ID: 26651)
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How many layers does earth's atmosphere have?
a) 1
b) 3
c) 5
d) 7
What are the layers of the atmosphere in order?
a) stratopshere, thermosphere, troposphere, exosphere, mesosphere
b) troposphere, stratosphere, thermosphere, exosphere, mesosphere
c) troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere
Where is the ozone layer?
a) troposphere
b) thermosphere
c) troposphere
d) stratosphere
What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?
a) oxygen
b) argon
c) neon
d) nitrogen
What is the second most abundant gas in the atmosphere?
a) oxygen
b) argon
c) carbon dioxide
d) nitrogen
Why does the coriolis effect occur?
a) earth's revolution around the sun
b) earth's rotation on its axis
c) the size of the earth
d) the sun and moon interaction
Warmer air can hold more
a) volume
b) mass
c) water vapor
d) dust and salt
The dew point is
a) claws on little kitties
b) temperature when water will start to condense out of air
c) point where mountain dew flows from the mountain
d) pressure where water evaporates into the atmosphere
Which of these are correct?
a) a thermometer measures humidity, a anemometer measures temperature, a barometer measures wind
b) a anemometer measure wind, a thermometer measures temperature, a barometer measures pressure
c) a barometer measures wind, an anemometer measures temperature, a thermometer measures time
How much of the sun's energy does EArth's surface absorb?
a) 78%
b) 56%
c) 43%
d) 51 %
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