Stone Age Species Question Preview (ID: 26638)

Identify Each Of The Species Below. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This species is known as Handy Man
a) Australopithecus Afarensis
b) Homo Habilis
c) Homo Erectus
d) Neanderthal

The name of our species
a) Homo Sapien
b) Homo Erectus
c) Neanderthal
d) Australopithecus Afarensis

The name of this species means “Upright Man”
a) Homo Erectus
b) Homo Habilis
c) Homo Sapien
d) Australopithecus Afarensis

This is the species name for Lucy
a) Homo Sapien
b) Neanderthal
c) Homo Habilis
d) Australopithicus Afarensis

This species may lived around the same time as us, and they are typically referred to as cavemen
a) Homo Erecutus
b) Homo Habilis
c) Neanderthals
d) Australopithecus Afarensis

Based on the pictures shown in class, this species may have had hair like Donald Trump
a) Homo Erectus
b) Homo Habilis
c) Homo Sapien
d) Neanderthal

This species looked very close to that of an ape
a) Australopithicus Afarensis
b) Homo Habilis
c) Homo Erectus
d) Homo Sapien

Based on the pictures shown in class, this species had the darkest skin color and is credited with learning how to control fire
a) Homo Sapien
b) Homo Erecutus
c) Homo Habilis
d) Neanderthal

Based on the theory of the species having less hair over time, what species was probably the least hairiest?
a) Australopithecus Aferensis
b) Homo Habilis
c) Homo Sapien
d) Neanderthal

Which species from the choices is the oldest?
a) Homo Habilis
b) Homo Erectus
c) Neanderthal
d) Homo Sapien

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