Medical Terminology Question Preview (ID: 26326)

Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What suffix means Inflammation?
a) algia
b) lysis
c) stasis
d) itis

What is the prefix for new?
a) intra
b) hemi
c) leuko
d) neo

What suffic means emia?
a) surgical removal of
b) within
c) blood
d) vomit

The prefix hyper means
a) stomach
b) excessive or high
c) water
d) decrease or less than normal

Algia means
a) surgical puncture
b) drugs
c) pain
d) swelling

a or an means
a) condition of
b) without or lack of
c) pertaining to the heart
d) vessel

Nose means
a) pneum
b) rhin
c) lingu
d) gloss

Cardio means
a) skin
b) muscle
c) spinal cord
d) heart

oseto means
a) joint
b) bone
c) neck
d) throat

cranio means
a) pancreas
b) large intestine
c) lung
d) skull

thorac means
a) eye
b) chest
c) throat
d) brain

Root word for red
a) aden
b) arter
c) entero
d) erythro

Gastro means
a) stomach
b) head
c) liver
d) small intestines

dys means
a) difficult or painful
b) bleu
c) sugar
d) negative

Mal means
a) bad or abnormal
b) tumor
c) around
d) after

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