Baskin ELA Stem Set 1 Question Preview (ID: 26217)
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The stem that means self
a) self
b) bio
c) ante
d) anti
The stem that means self
a) ante
b) bio
c) pre
d) auto
The story of a person's life written by that person
a) biography
b) autobiography
c) novel
d) short story
a) Ruler that has some power
b) Ruler with unlimited power
c) A democrat
d) An employee
a) a person's own book
b) a person's own car
c) a person's own signature
d) a person's own story
The word that means to operate by itself
a) automatic
b) autonomy
c) autograph
d) self-sufficient
The word that means independence, free
a) self-conident
b) automatic
c) autonomy
d) autocrat
Vehicle capable of moving on its own, operated by oneself
a) bicycle
b) automobile
c) row boat
d) remote control car
The word that means feeling good about oneself
a) self-defeated
b) self-sufficient
c) autonomy
d) self-confident
When you are able to provide for your own needs, you are
a) self-confident
b) able
c) self-sufficient
d) dependent
Another word for free
a) autonomy
b) self-confident
c) strong
d) autocrat
If you do not depend on anyone to provide for you, then you are
a) self-confident
b) self-sufficient
c) automatic
If you have a vehicle that operates by itself then you have a
a) bicycle
b) automobile
c) tricycle
I am happy and feel great about who I am, I am
a) self-sufficient
b) autonomous
c) self-confident
Lebron James wants to write a book about his life. He is writing a/an
a) biography
b) autobiography
c) autograph
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