Force And Motion Terms Question Preview (ID: 26200)

Physics Terms. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A ________ is a push or a pull.
a) force
b) motion
c) direction
d) orientation

______ occurs when there is a change in position.
a) Motion
b) speed
c) position
d) velocity

The distance and direction of an object's change in position from the starting point
a) displacement
b) position
c) speed
d) orientation

The _________ is the relative point from which an object moves
a) starting point
b) reference point
c) start
d) displacement

________ is the line, or path along which something is moving, pointing, and aiming.
a) Direction
b) orientation
c) speed
d) velocity

A ________ can cause an object's orientation to change
a) force
b) speed
c) pull
d) direction

_______ is a measure of how fast something moves a particular distance over a given amount of time
a) speed
b) motion
c) orientation
d) friction

This type of graph is used to represent how both speed and distance change with time
a) line plot graph
b) distance time graph
c) pie graph
d) bar graph

On a distance time graph, the time is the _________ variable.
a) independent
b) dependent
c) constant

On a distance time graph, the distance is the ___________ variable.
a) independent
b) dependent
c) constant

When the slope of a line is horizontal to the x-axis, the speed is ________.
a) zero; the object is not moving
b) moving faster
c) moving slower
d) is negative

________ refers to both the speed of the object and the direction of its motion.
a) speed
b) orientation
c) velocity
d) force

The rate of change of velocity of an object is called __________.
a) acceleration
b) orientation
c) speed
d) motion

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