Board Drafting Question Preview (ID: 26130)
Board Drafting.
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_______ is the accurate drawing of letters and numbers on a drawing.
a) Alphabet of lines
b) Lettering
c) Letter spacing
d) Word spacing
In Industry, a technical drawing is the language that explain how a product is to be made.
a) true
b) false
What information should NOT be included in the title block or on a sheet layout.
a) Drawing Title
b) Drafters phone number
c) Drafters name
d) border
When producing lettering, you should use one type style.
a) true
b) false
Other options besides freehand lettering are using a computer.
a) true
b) false
Diazo are also called:
a) Blueprints
b) Electrostatic prints
c) Photocopies
d) Whiteprints
Which is NOT a method of copying and preserving a drawing.
a) Blueprints
b) Black Prints
c) Diazo prints
d) Electrostatic copies
___________is the space between lines, should be half or full letter height.
a) line spacing
b) letter spacing
c) lettering
d) word spacing
___________is the space between words, should be equal to the height of the letters.
a) line spacing
b) letter spacing
c) lettering
d) word spacing
Guidelines are very thin lines that are barely visible.
a) true
b) false
Which is NOT a type of drawing pencil?
a) Inking
b) Mechanical
c) Technical
d) Wooden
_______ consists of a head attached at 90ยบ angle to a blade. The blade is used for horizontal lines and as a guide for other instruments.
a) Compass
b) Drawing board
c) Triangle
d) T-square
What paper you cannot see through. When using an eraser you need to be careful not to tear the sheet. The paper might change size with moisture and ink spreads.
a) Drafting film
b) Opaque
c) Translucent
d) Vellum
_________is a tool for drawing vertical and inclined (slanted) lines.
a) Compass
b) Drawing board
c) Triangle
d) T-square
The lead most often used in technical drawing is soft.
a) true
b) false
What paper is a plastic sheet with one side rough to accept ink and pencil. It is moisture resistant and ink can be easily erased from it.
a) Drafting Film
b) Opaque
c) Translucent
d) Vellumn
Which of the following is NOT a proper way to take care of your drawing tools?
a) Don't cut against plastic edges of tools
b) Keep wooden tools and boards away from moisture
c) Use abrasive cleaners
d) Wipe of tools after each use
________ is a tool used for drawing circles and arcs.
a) Compass
b) Drawing
c) Triangle
d) T-square
Which of the following is NOT a proper way to take care of your drawing tools?
a) Check T-squares for rigidity and blade alignment
b) Don't store tools in their cases
c) Keep wooden tools and boards away from moisture
d) Wipe of tools after each use
________ is portable and normally made to be used with a T-square.
a) Drafting board
b) Drafting table
c) Drawing board
d) Drawing table
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