Africa History Review Question Preview (ID: 26117)

Georgia 7th Grade Social Studies. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who was the last president before Nelson Mandela's election and was the one to officially end apartheid?
a) Tutu
b) Kenyatta
c) de.Klerk
d) Mandela

Which statement was NOT an effect of the scramble for Africa (also known as the colonization of Africa) by European nations?
a) Increased ethnic rivalries due to border divisions.
b) Increased control of Africa's resources by foreigners.
c) Increased democratic governments introduced by Europeans.
d) Increased civil wars due to groups being favored by the European powers.

Which answer supports the statement that Nationalism in South Africa was expressed very differently than in Kenya?
a) Kenya's move toward nationalism was peaceful and without bloodshed.
b) The United Nations became directly involved in ending the war in South Africa, while it stayed out of the conflict in Kenya.
c) Nationalism in Kenya was led primarily by the African National Congress, while South Africa relied on the Pan-African movemen
d) South Africa did not experience widespread violence leading to the end of Apartheid, while Kenya's Mau Mau movement was blo

How is Pan-Africansim related to Africa in the 1960s?
a) It was no longer necessary following World War II.
b) It accidentally caused the beginning of imperialism.
c) It led to the end of the apartheid system in South Africa.
d) It helped to unify Africans against their colonial situation.

In 1994 South Africans elected Nelson Mandela president, after he and the previous president helped pass laws to end apartheid. This election was the first of its kind in South African history and resembled US elections which are guided by the Consti
a) term limits for all elected officials.
b) equal media coverage for all candidates.
c) universal suffrage for men and women of all races.
d) mandatory registration for everyone over eighteen.

Which source would MOST LIKELY include a personal account of how Apartheid affected black citizens of South Africa?
a) a textbook about South African history
b) notes from the South African legislature in 1950
c) a letter from a South African civil rights leader
d) a novel about the end of Apartheid in South Africa

He was the voice of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. He was jailed by the government for 27 years on charges of sabotage and other crimes committed while he led the movement against apartheid. Upon his release from prison he helped lead t
a) F.W. de Clerk
b) Jomo Kenyatta
c) Nelson Mandela
d) Robert Mugabe

Which European nations had the greatest influence in Africa in the early 1900s?
a) Belgium and Italy
b) Spain and Portugal
c) Great Britain and Spain
d) Great Britain and France

From 1948 until the mid 1990s, this nation was fully segregated in terms of education, medical care, and access to all other public facilities. Black citizens were not given citizenship, were not allowed to vote.
a) the Republic of Sudan
b) the Republic of Kenya
c) the Republic of Uganda
d) the Republic of South Africa

At the end of the 19th Century, what country won control of South Africa in the Boer Wars?
a) Britain
b) France
c) Holland
d) Italy

As the European powers grew more industrialized, their colonies became very important as sources of
a) raw materials
b) slave labor
c) new inventions
d) military prestige

· African, European, and Asian ethnic groups live there. · Racist policies ruled the country for centuries. · Steven Biko, Desmond Tutu, and many others fought for equality. · Held its first truly democratic elections in 1994.
a) South Africa
b) Kenya
c) Sudan
d) Nigeria

Following World War II, African peoples pushed for and won self-government. Which statement BEST describes the role played by the United States in this process?
a) The United States freed all of its colonial possessions.
b) The United States militarily funded many of the struggles.
c) The United States backed new governments which were anti-communist.
d) The United States refused to intervene due to its anti-apartheid movement.

Who is often considered the Father of Kenya?
a) Kenyata Mboya
b) Jomo Kenyatta
c) Joseph Murumbi
d) Daniel arap Moi

How did 18th- and 19th-Century European imperialism help to cause nationalism in Asian and African countries?
a) It promoted free trade among the imperial colonies.
b) It established Christianity as the common religion.
c) It caused intense patriotic feelings toward the imperial country.
d) It inadvertently united people there to oppose foreign domination.

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