Vocabulary Ch. 17-ACA Question Preview (ID: 26109)
ACA 17.
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What is the definition of defer?
a) to give in
b) to want
c) to object
d) to exchange
Becky _____ to raise money for Christmas presents by selling candy and cookies door to door.
a) impose
b) endeavor
c) defer
d) inevitable
Don't _____ all homework assignments with busywork. Homework can increase one's understanding of a subject.
a) impose
b) equate
c) malicious
d) option
What is the definition of impose?
a) to spy
b) to improve
c) to selfishly bother
d) unlikely
When she was falsely accused of stealing a classmate's gold chain, the student became very _____.
a) impose
b) defer
c) passive
d) indignant
What is the definition of inevitable?
a) unlikely
b) surprising
c) unavoidable
d) inactive
Bullies are _____ they take pleasure in hurting others.
a) patron
b) passive
c) malicious
d) impose
What is the definition of option?
a) an opinion
b) a choice
c) an owner
d) flexible
Taylor is very _____. He waits for things to happen instead of making them happen.
a) insincere
b) inactive
c) flexible
d) mean
What is the definition of patron?
a) an advertiser
b) an owner
c) to try
d) a customer
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