Mis- Definition Review Question Preview (ID: 26047)

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act out badly or in the wrong way
a) misadventure
b) misbehave
c) miscount
d) misspell

a) make bad food
b) take bad tests
c) bad luck
d) make minor bad choices

feeling badly
a) misluck
b) mistake
c) miserable
d) mislead

a) bad luck
b) bad looking
c) bad test scores
d) bad food

make a bad or unfair decision about someone
a) mistrust
b) mislead
c) misjudge
d) mistake

a) guide someone in a wrong direction
b) make a bad decision
c) bad choices
d) use a bad paper

spell a word the wrong way
a) misread
b) mislead
c) misspell
d) mistake

a) read the wrong book
b) take the wrong test
c) spelled a word wrong
d) a bad or wrong decision

treat someone badly
a) mislead
b) mistake
c) mistreat
d) misspell

a) take the wrong test
b) think the wrong thing about what was communicated
c) eat the wrong food
d) take a wrong turn

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