Vocabulary List 9 Question Preview (ID: 26021)
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Something _____ is smaller than its usual size.
a) miniature
b) companion
c) bizarre
d) disturb
What idiom means that you are heading for trouble?
a) on thin ice
b) piece of cake
c) hit the ceiling
d) bend over backward
What part of speech is companion?
a) adjective
b) noun
c) verb
Something that looks or acts odd or strange is ______.
a) bizarre
b) companion
c) minature
d) disturb
A _____ keeps someone company.
a) companion
b) bizarre
c) miniature
d) disturb
What part of speech is bizarre?
a) adjective
b) noun
c) verb
You ____ people when you bother, annoy, or interrupt them.
a) disturb
b) bizarre
c) miniature
d) companion
What part of speech is disturb?
a) verb
b) noun
c) adjective
What part of speech is minature?
a) adjective
b) noun
c) verb
What is a synonym for bother?
a) disturb
b) bizarre
c) companion
d) miniature
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