Male Reproductive System Question Preview (ID: 26007)
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Acts as a storage site for the mature sperm cells
a) Epididymis
b) Testicles
c) Urethra
d) Foreskin
Male sex glands. Release the male sex hormone: testosterone. Produce the male sex cells: sperm.
a) Scrotum
b) Testicles
c) Epididymus
d) Vas deferens
Cremaster muscle
a) Acts as a transport tube for sperm Lined with cilia (tiny hairs), to help move the sperm along
b) Pouch of skin that holds and supports the testicles
c) Male sex glands. Release the male sex hormone: testosterone. Produce the male sex cells: sperm.
d) Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sper
Pouch of skin that holds and supports the testicles
a) Cremaster muscle
b) Prostate glands
c) Penis
d) Scrotum
Acts as a transport tube for sperm. Lined with cilia (tiny hairs), to help move the sperm along.
a) Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sper
b) Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sper
Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sperm
a) Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sper
b) Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sper
Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sperm
a) Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sper
b) Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sper
Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sperm
a) Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sper
b) Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sper
Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sperm
a) Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sper
b) Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sper
Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sperm
a) Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sper
b) Moves testicles closer or farther away from the body, to regulate the temperature of the testicles for the production of sper
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