Chapter 10: Coding Question Preview (ID: 26001)

This Is A Review Over The Material Covered In CH 10: Medical Coding. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Diagnosis codes are in the:
a) CPT manual
b) ICD9 manual
c) HCPCS manual
d) none of the above

Procedure codes are located in the:
a) CPT manual
b) ICD9 manual
c) HCPCS manual
d) none of the above

A diagnosis is converted to a computer friendly code with the:
a) CPT manaul
b) ICD9 manual
c) HCPCS manual
d) none of the above

A procedure is converted to a computer friendly code with the:
a) CPT manual
b) ICD9 manual
c) HCPCS manual
d) none of the above

The superbill provides a comprehensive list of the most frequently used
a) patient procedure codes
b) services
c) diagnosis
d) all of the above

In many ambulatory care setting, the process of insurance coding begins with identifying and recording the appropriate:
a) diagnosis
b) procedure
c) service codes
d) all of the above

The ICD9 manual codes are determined by
b) WHO
c) AMA
d) none of the above

The ICD9 and CPT codes are updated:
a) daily
b) monthly
c) yearly
d) every 10 years

Diagnoses are given a _____________-digit main code.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

The CPT coding system was developed by
a) WHO
b) AMA
d) none of the above

The commonly used codes are Evaluation and Management (E\M) services -which include:
a) office visits
b) consultations
c) inpatient hospital care
d) all of the above

An established patient is one who has been seen by the physician in the practice with the last_____years.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

Procedures and services are listed by:
a) name of service or procedure
b) anatomic site
c) condition or disease
d) all of the above

The medicine section of the CPT manual is organized according to _______, not disease.
a) diagnosis
b) body system
c) doctor who diagnosis
d) previous diagnosis

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