Module F And G Question Preview (ID: 25905)
Practice Question For Module F And G.
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The quality or state of being worthy of self-esteem or self-respect is known as?
a) Dignity
b) Ethics
c) Self-worth
d) Empathy
Identifying with and understanding the feelings of another without feeling sorry is known as what?
a) Empathy
b) sympathy
c) pitty
d) down to earth
The nurse aide should be positive, supportive, and encourage resident self decisions in order to promote dignity
a) True
b) False
Care provided after rehabilitation when residents highest possible funtioning has been restored following illness or injury is known as what?
a) Basic Restorative Care
b) Basic Rehabilitative Care
c) Personal Care
d) Interpersonal Care
All of the following are import for basic restorative care EXCEPT:
a) aim towards independnece
b) maintain and improve abilities
c) assisting individuals to accept adpation
d) encourage dependency
The nurse aides role in basic restorative care include:
a) Focusing on small task and accomplishments
b) encourage choices
c) encourage independnece
d) all the above
Replacement for loss of body part
a) amputation
b) prosthesis
c) adaptation device
d) phantom pain
Special equipment that helps a disabled or ill resident perform activities of daily living;
a) Assisstive devices
b) orthotic device
c) prosthesis
d) supportive device
For proper bowel and bladder training, the nurse aide should:
a) offer and encourage fluids
b) encourage fiiber foods
c) teach good peri-care
d) all the above
When should the resident void or attempt to void?
a) all the above
b) after waking up and before going to bed
c) an hour before meals
d) 2 hours inbetween meals
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