4th Grade Science Vocab Review #2 Question Preview (ID: 25746)

4th Grade Science Vocab. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Changing of water vapor (gas) into water (liquid). (clue: this is how clouds are formed)
a) condensation
b) evaporation
c) precipitation
d) run-off

Living things that get their food by eating other living things.
a) adapt
b) consumer
c) spongebob
d) mountains

A consumer that puts materials from dead plants and animals back into the soil, air and water
a) hibernate
b) food
c) decomposer
d) plant

To get smaller or make less
a) run-off
b) function
c) decrease
d) increase

Having fixed limits, does not change, stays the same shape or volume
a) shifting
b) changing
c) alternating
d) definite

The surroundings of a living thing (air, water, land)
a) environment
b) food chain
c) cats
d) dogs

Changing of water (liquid) into water vapor (gas)
a) precipitation
b) evaporation
c) condensation
d) groundwater

Water that moves downward INTO the ground
a) groundwater
b) run-off
c) batman
d) green lantern

A long deep sleep in which an animal's heart rate and breathing are much slower than normal (not all animals do this in the winter)
a) nap
b) migration
c) hibernation
d) shower

To make larger
a) Stop Sign
b) stay the same
c) decrease
d) increase

The movement of an animal from one location to another as the seasons (environment) change
a) migration
b) hibernation
c) Sleeping Beauty
d) Frog Princess

Another name for rain, sleet, snow, or hail
a) precipitation
b) sprinkler
c) condensation
d) evaporation

Green plants that use the energy from the sun to make food for themselves and animals
a) disperse
b) producers
c) alligators
d) Barney

Characteristics or descriptions of something (e.g. texture, shape, color, mass, length)
a) Silver Surfer
b) Turtle power
c) nutrients
d) property

How a living thing reacts to a change in its environment (clue: chilly air might make you shiver)
a) respond
b) consumer
c) Human Torch
d) Incredible Hulk

Water flowing ON the surface of the Earth
a) goundwater
b) runoff
c) Spider Man
d) Cat Woman

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